CCTV Solution
Surveillance cameras are there to protect your users own physical security. Solutions provided enable your organization to have recordings in the event of mishaps happening.
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Perimeter Security
Having surveillance cameras is not the only security that your organization have to rely on to guard valued assets?
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Unified Security
Have too many different security solutions in place or difficulty operating the different solutions as and when your security staff were to resign?
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Video Management
We provide client with a solid integrated security solution that ensures safety all round company environment.
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CCTV Solution

CCTV enables us to not only detect and deter criminal activities, record traffic infractions but also keep us on track with the safety of our environment. Supervise productivity, prevent theft and ensure company safety with CCTV solution. We provide the suitable CCTV solution for your environment to be fully secured.

Perimeter Security

We provide parameter security provides an ease-of-mind to monitor even on the go. Parameter Security detects and sounds alarms when company meets intrusion of area. Safeguard client’s company with gadgets that sound alarms when being intruded both internally and externally. Ensure the safety of your environment and company with our solution.

Unified Security

We provide a unified security solution that combines all your organization security solution in one platform to easily manage and maintain even on the go. Unified Security provides multiple security functions that efficiently run and manages a system. This solution simplifies Al security functions and combining them into an easy and logical factor.

Video Management

Video Management enables enterprises to capture, record, store, retrieve, view and analyse tape recorded from surveillance cameras. With recorded evidence, feel ensured that your company would not need to fret about more intrusion of your environment. We provide a solution where your company environment will be well secured, ensure your staffs with recorded evidence if faced with intrusion.

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